Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Our first public appearance experience

Our first public appearance experience
 We would love to hear your experiences with ezcoupontracker.com. Share your stories on social media and tag us (OR) email your story to following ID
Every month one submissions will receive 10$ USD Amazon gift card.

We reached the event hall an hour before the event started. Several start up booths were already set up by the time we reached and some were arriving along with us. We quickly looked around to find the most strategically positioned booth for our set up. We luckily found one close to the dais which we thought will have a lot of visibility. We quickly grabbed it before others could get to it. Then we quickly set up our laptops, hosted our banners displayed our brochures and business  cards. Our set up was done more or less in less than 15 mins. Then we looked around to see what other booths were doing, almost everyone had freebies ( some had T-Shirts, some giving away water bottles and several others giving away chocolates). We did not have any freebies to give away and we knew it would be very difficult attract people to our booth given that most of others were giving away stuff.
But then, we did not give up, we had almost 30 to 40 visitors during the peak one hour session. Shortly after 7:30 pm, announcement for one minute pitch came in and we were geared up for this presentation. We had successfully delivered the pitch and were very confident that we would be rated number one based on the positive comments we have heard after our pitch. To our surprise, we came number three and later found out that the voting system was somewhat faulty and they have results that were manipulated.

How did we prepare?
As this was our first ever public appearance, we made sure we took extra care not to miss out on this opportunity and a lot of preparation went into the mix. We made a list of everything we wanted to have ready for this big event ( brochures, business cards, banners, banner stand, scotch tapes, laptops, extension cables, surges, push pins etc.). We made our presenter rehearse the pitch several times and corrected him every time he made the presentation just to make the presentation more effective. Not only presenter rehearse, we rehearsed user Q & A session too. We dig out all the questions asked by our beta testers (or) early adopters, refined our answers for those questions.

All in all, we are very happy with the outcome of this event although the results were not handled properly by the event managements. We are contented with the way we have projected ourselves and we are looking forward to participating in more such events.

Wish us all the best!

EzCouponTracker Team!